Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

The main problem statement:

How might our Brokers be able to process and extract SOV data so as to produce an accurate quote

*A statement of values (SOV) is a report that an insured submits to an insurer. It details the amount each property that will be covered under a policy is worth.


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler

Data aggregation tool for B2B reports

Data aggregation tool for B2B reports

Data aggregation tool for B2B reports


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

© Copyright © 2023 Studio VLI All Rights Reserved. Images from this site may not be reproduced or edited without prior written permission of Studio VLI (aka Viviane Leezer Illustrations). Featured brands are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Select works may be shown in concept form and may not represent final published work.


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.

The main problem statement:

How might our Brokers be able to process and extract SOV data so as to produce an accurate quote

*A statement of values (SOV) is a report that an insured submits to an insurer. It details the amount each property that will be covered under a policy is worth.

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

© Copyright © 2023 Studio VLI All Rights Reserved. Images from this site may not be reproduced or edited without prior written permission of Studio VLI (aka Viviane Leezer Illustrations). Featured brands are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Select works may be shown in concept form and may not represent final published work.

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.

The main problem statement:

How might our Brokers be able to process and extract SOV data so as to produce an accurate quote

*A statement of values (SOV) is a report that an insured submits to an insurer. It details the amount each property that will be covered under a policy is worth.

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

View more work

© Copyright © 2023 Studio VLI All Rights Reserved. Images from this site may not be reproduced or edited without prior written permission of Studio VLI (aka Viviane Leezer Illustrations). Featured brands are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Select works may be shown in concept form and may not represent final published work.


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

The main problem statement:

How might our Brokers be able to process and extract SOV data so as to produce an accurate quote

*A statement of values (SOV) is a report that an insured submits to an insurer. It details the amount each property that will be covered under a policy is worth.

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

Design system

To speed up the production process I had also set up the BritX / Otto Design system from scratch.

It ensured that we could go 50% faster launching the product to market and reduced software costs by 20%.

View Design system

© Copyright © 2023 Studio VLI All Rights Reserved. Images from this site may not be reproduced or edited without prior written permission of Studio VLI (aka Viviane Leezer Illustrations). Featured brands are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Select works may be shown in concept form and may not represent final published work.


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry relied on antiquated practices, such as printing Excel sheets for in-person meetings. COVID-19 lockdowns exposed inefficiencies, leading to a call for digitalization. Our response was the SOV Data Extraction Tool, revolutionizing work processes for increased efficiency and accuracy beyond manual capabilities.


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler

Getting alignment & Brainstorming concepts

I conducted a user interview to understand their workflow and pain points, recording it for team collaboration.

Then, I organized a design sprint where we collectively reviewed the interview, took notes, and prioritized key pain points. This ensured the entire team understood the customer's needs and provided valuable learning opportunities for me, the product manager, and engineer.

We also analyzed other products for data extraction inspiration and engaged in a "crazy 8's" exercise for sketching and discussed a potential flow for prototyping.


The SOV Tool was launched in march 2023

-So far 1200 SOV’s were uploaded

-On the busiest day 111 SOV’s were uploaded

-1 min 5 secs is the average time to complete SOV’s

-Data extraction is 80/90% successful.

-Next product launches will explore improving onboarding for user independence in case of data extraction failures.

Main user needs

Due to the limited recourses of the team (roughly 11/15 people).

We decided to only focus on the following user needs:

-A need for customers to extract their SOV data and store it.

-A need to edit and confirm the information without any legal interference of data

-New way of working that can be done WFH

-More accurate extraction of the data (1000 rows was prone to be calculated wrong when done manually)

*Presentation of the Data extraction tool that we designed in the Lloyds’ office building

Little industry background

The insurance sector boasts a long and storied history. Brit Insurance is an insurance company that operates within the Lloyd's market. It's one of the many syndicates that offer insurance products through the Lloyd's platform. Brit Insurance specializes in providing insurance solutions, particularly in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector, covering areas such as buildings, ships, satellites, and more.

This tradition traces back to 1688, originating in an ancient coffee house from Lloyd’s. Sailors sought financial support for their maritime endeavors, while underwriters sought assurance of returns. This confluence gave rise to the inception of the insurance industry. They even used to insure the Titanic which Lloyd’s paid in full.

*Example of an insurance slip of the Titanic that Lloyd’s paid in full


Brit insurance aka BritX / Otto innovation department


At Brit insurance I was their sole Product Designer in charge of their Product vision and thinking for their SOV Data extraction tool.

This meant that I:

-Designed the entire tool

-Facilitated user testing and UX research with the UX research department

-Held Stakeholder interviews and workshops

-Made test prototypes

-Set up the whole handover for the Engineering team

-Set up a Design system from scratch for the department

The insurance industry has a long-standing tradition steeped in outdated practices, like physically printing extensive Excel sheets on A3 paper for face-to-face discussions. However, when the COVID-19 lockdowns hit in March 2020, it became evident that brokers and underwriters were unable to operate effectively. This prompted a crucial demand for digitalization and modernization of work processes.

In response to this need, we created the SOV Data Extraction Tool, ushering in a fresh approach to work characterized by enhanced efficiency and markedly improved accuracy in data extraction, surpassing what manual labor could achieve.


Product Designer: Viviane Leezer

UX research: Celine Capaldo & Alex Lee

Product Managers: Kate Carter & Charlotte Whitfield

Strategy: Charlie Fellerman & Raphaëlle de La Rochefoucauld

Frontend Engineers: Elliot Davies & Minas Giannopoulos

Backend Engineer: Andy Idiaghe, Jarrod Baker & Sam Pegler

The customer problem

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

The customer problem

The customer problem

The industry has a lot of pride in their heritage and since maintaining personal relationships was so important to them they mostly conducted their business in person.

This resulted in quite some outdated and manual processes. Such as printing out complete Excel sheets on A3 paper to discuss in personal meetings.

When COVID lockdowns happened in March 2020 all the brokers and underwriters were unable to work. As such a dire need for a digital and modernization in work process was needed.

© Copyright © 2023 Studio VLI All Rights Reserved. Images from this site may not be reproduced or edited without prior written permission of Studio VLI (aka Viviane Leezer Illustrations). Featured brands are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Select works may be shown in concept form and may not represent final published work.

View more work


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload.


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.

UX Research Insights

-Users are time poor and learn by doing rather than reading instructions.

-Users were familiar with their SOV’s so already knew which data to confirm.

-Users liked that they could see the excel sheet so they could edit the information directly (competitors such as Flatfile did not provide this)

-Users were sensitive to colour confirmations (yellow for untouched, Green for confirmed).

-Setting up the UI in separate chapters to digest for the user is good for cognitive overload.


*The project in total took 9 months roughly.